



2017年8月杭州世外外籍人员子女学校(小学部)正式被国际文凭组织授权为IB PYP学校。

学校以“让学生走向世界,让世界走进学校”为办学理念,引进IB课程(International Baccalaureate),围绕IB培养目标和学习态度,融合中外教育优势,开设丰富的课程、开展多彩的活动。小学部课程以质疑为中心,通过探究、合作等方式,让学生爱思考、善质疑、会交流、富想象。关注学生知识的广博、身心的健康和潜能的挖掘,让学生全面均衡地发展,为培养有中国心、世界眼、国际情怀、有探究能力和创新思维的终身学习者打下扎实的基础。


2021年秋季招收PYP 2个班。
















联系电话:0571-89981598 18969131699(余老师)



Student enrolment into Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language School in 2021

     (PYP Department)

Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School was founded in April, 2013 under the cooperation between Shanghai Junyao Group and the Gongshu Government of Hangzhou, bringing in the quality brand of Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School.

The PYP Department has been authorized as an international school since 2015.

Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language School was authorized by the IBO (International Baccalaureate Organization) and became an official IB world school in August, 2017.

Following the schools philosophy of Let the students embrace the world; Let the world be the part of the school life”, Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language School implements the IB curriculum. The curriculum is a transdisciplinary inquiry curriculum system, centered around IB learner profile and learner attitudes, and integrates the advantages of the Chinese and Western education systems. Through inquiry and exploration, students aim to be thinkers, inquirers, communicators, and visionaries. It provides guidance on students' competencies, and the knowledge and skills to reach balanced development. The school mission is to develop lifelong learners who embody international mindedness, inquiry ability, and creativity.

1. Enrolment Quota

PYP Department 2021 2 classes

2. School Prerequisites

From September 1, 2014 to August 31, 2015, children holding foreign passports legally residing in China who are physically and mentally healthy are invited to enroll. Through the approval of the Zhejiang Province education Bureau, children who are residents of Hong Kong, Macao Special Administrative Regions, and Taiwan that are legally residing in Zhejiang Province, and Chinese citizens who are legally residing abroad can enroll. Children of Chinese citizens residing in China shall not be admitted.

3. Date and Time

1) Parents are invited to come to the school at 2:00pm on Friday, November 27. The School Mission, Learner Profile, Curriculum, and online registration process will be presented. Parents will be able to ask questions. (No children are expected on that day.)

2) The Registration Form is to be returned on Saturday, December 5 according to the booked time. Please bring your child with a photocopy of his/her passport and relevant materials, and a one-inch photo. (These photocopies will not be returned)

3) Parents of successful candidates will be contacted before December 15, 2020. If your child is not accepted, you will not be contacted.

4. Scholarship

The school has a HWFL scholarship system in place. This is awarded to students once a semester to reward effort and application. The scholarship winners account for 15-20% of the students.

5. Tuition

The school tuition for 2021 is 70,000 yuan each semester. The school charges (with the exception of tuition fees) are published on the school website.

6. Enrolment Procedures

1) The school will set up a lead group to discuss and choose suitable students.

2) Presents will be refused to ensure fairness and justice.

3) The enrollment is supervised by the education authorities and the public.

7. School address: No.167, Lishui Road

Tel: 0571-89981598 18969131699 (Madam Yu)

Hangzhou Shanghai World Foreign Language School
